If you’re in the business of selling tyres or running a tyre depot, you know how important it is to offer high-quality services to your customers. One of the most important services you can offer is wheel alignment, if you arent currently offering this service then , without a doubt money is being left behind and customers lost. But in order to offer a wheel alignment service, you need the right equipment. A modern wheel alignment machine can make all the difference, both in terms of financial benefits and customer satisfaction.

Here are some of the key benefits of owning a modern wheel alignment machine for your tyre shop:

  1. Increased Revenue: A modern wheel alignment machine can help increase your revenue by offering a service that many customers need. When you have a machine that can perform accurate and efficient wheel alignments, you can charge for the service and generate additional income for your business.
  2. Improved Efficiency: A modern wheel alignment machine can save you time and improve efficiency by making the process of aligning wheels faster and more accurate. This means you can service more customers in less time and with greater accuracy, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience: When you have a modern wheel alignment machine, you can provide a better overall customer experience. Your customers will appreciate the accuracy and efficiency of the machine, as well as the convenience of being able to get their wheels aligned quickly and easily. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.
  4. Cost Savings: Owning a modern wheel alignment machine can also save you money in the long run. An outdated machine may require more frequent repairs and maintenance, which can be expensive over time. By investing in a modern machine, you can reduce the need for repairs and maintenance and save money in the long run.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Finally, owning a modern wheel alignment machine can give you a competitive advantage over other tire shops in your area. When you can offer a high-quality, efficient, and accurate wheel alignment service, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and attract more customers to your business.
  6. Customer Retention: To not gain a customer is one thing, but to lose an existing customer is tragic. Not only has an alignment fee not been gathered, but also the sale of possibly four tyres lost to the competition up the road.

Customer knowledge level on the subject of wheel alignment has increased greatly, and whether alignment is offered or not, could mean the difference between a customer entering a premises or moving on to the tyre depot up the road. To believe that a tyre depot can get away without offering any type of alignment in this day and age, is a business model that will only end up with one outcome. And not a very good one. Owning a modern wheel alignment machine is essential for any tyre shop that wants to offer high-quality, efficient, and accurate wheel alignment services to its customers. With increased revenue, improved efficiency, enhanced customer experience, cost savings, and a competitive advantage, a modern wheel alignment machine is a must-have investment for any tyre shop looking to grow and succeed in the industry.

For mechanic garages, the story is slightly different. Alignment is now becoming a very useful tool in troubleshooting issues. Any suspension work now requires alignment before the car is returned to the customer, but owning an alignment tool can also mean that diagnosing a suspension problem can be made quite easily. The quicker the cause of a problem can be reached, the less the cost to the garage of arriving at that point, Everytime a vehicle leaves your garage for outside work (be that alignment, tyre fitting, etc.), the cost factor is greatly increased. Having alignment on-site is a wonderful idea, as the figures will show later. Each year brings more and more tech onboard our vehicles.

While it may not yet be at the stage that a bodyshop requires an aligner on-site, that day is coming fast. Vehicles that can reverse park themselves have been here for a while, and the technology for fully autonomous cars is here, even if the cars aren’t yet. Each one of these vehicles are fully loaded with on board cameras and sensors, all which must be perfectly calibrated. It goes without saying the days of whipping off a front bumper and touching it up, before re-fitting and replacing, has become all the more complicated. Because of the technology involved, along with the insurance implications of work completed, alignment is moving into the bodyshop area at a hurry. Should anything go wrong in the autonomous world, where the outcome could have massive ramifications, there will need to be full traceability of any work completed, and the first question asked will be “was alignment completed?”